African Art Pedagogy Exhibit

African Art Pedagogy Exhibit Opening, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 4-6PM

When a call went out for proposals for a faculty exhibition on Art, Science, and Pedagogy at CCA in conjunction with the Fall 2015 Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) Symposium, Leslie Townsend proposed an exhibition idea for her Visual Studies Program African Art course. In addition to displaying material artifacts, she was interested in linking the many types of digital artifacts from the course--images, videos, texts, student assignments, reference materials, syllabus--into an integrated digital display. She worked with Bobby White, Instructional Designer, and Lisa Conrad, Digital Scholarship Librarian to realize the exhibit. Bobby had recently seen student work from faculty member Rebekah Edwards’ literature class using the software tool Twine and suggested it for this project. Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories, and is also used for narrative games. Like a labyrinth, it allows viewers to choose different and multiple paths to travel through a particular story. The tool has offered a way to open up the course to layered perspectives--instructor, student, assessment, and reflection--and reveal complex interactions unavailable in a traditional 2-D format. This is the Libraries' first Digital Scholarship project and our first exhibit utilizing an iPad.

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