A Magazine in Glass Features Poem by CCA Faculty Judith Serin
The CCA Simpson Library has just acquired an issue of the limited-edition magazine “One (More) Glass, which features the work of Judith Serin, poet and faculty member of CCA, for our Artist Book Collection.The magazine, a single sheet, is really a broadside on glass. Its multi-layer, fused glass integrates glass hangers," and often integrates within the glass an illustration or subtle ornament appropriate for the subject of the poem.Gerald Fleming, with his brother and sister Bernie and Michaela Fleming, who are glass artists, launched the limited-edition magazine “One (More) Glass.” They have just completed their first volume, comprised of six issues, each issue featuring one poem by a single poet. The first volume includes Jeffrey Greene, Keith Taylor, Ellery Akers, Stephanie Papa, Jack Marshall, and Judith Serin.