Shotgun Shells and Pinecones

Reception for Shotgun Shells and Pinecones - new work by Angela Berry at Meyer Library

Opening Reception - Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 4-6PM

California College of the Arts, Meyer Library, Oakland

Performances - Sundays in April, 2016, 6-9PM

Shotgun Shells and Pinecones presented at the Meyer Library, Oakland, brings together the aesthetics of chance and gender. Presented in conjunction with Angela Berry’s CCA MFA Thesis exhibition on view at the Perry Family Gallery until April 2nd, Shotgun Shells and Pinecones is a playful counter-point to Berry’s Rough Weather Makes Good Timber, which looks at different processes of resilience in the ancient forest habitat of the Blue Ridge Mountain Range. Over the years her father has made chess sets out of a variety of different materials including carved wood, seashells, shotgun shells and pine cones. Berry has re-created one of her father’s handmade chess sets, engaging the space of problem-solving and compromise now with different players. Anyone may join the artist in the library on Sundays in April from 6pm –9pm.

Players will bypass the opening and midgame for the endgame.

Contact Angela Berry at for specific time reservations.

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