Artists' Book Collection
The Artists' Books Collection has been consolidated in Simpson library, and was developed to support study and teaching of bookworks as an art form.
The collection includes handmade books, published artists' books and special format exhibition catalogs, comics and zines. Titles are searchable in the catalog. -
Design Book Review
Between 1983 and 2001, Design Book Review was the preeminent journal dedicated to reviewing architecture and design books in the United States. The Berkeley-based journal begun by John Parman and Elizabeth Snowden—then later published by the California College of the Arts, provided a much-needed forum for advanced thinking on the built landscape as well as industrial design, graphic design, land art, and material culture.
Faculty Development
The CCA Libraries have a specially tailored Faculty Development Collection focusing art pedagogy, multicultural education, research, critique, technology, new media, and more. The collection is integrated into the main shelves in San Francisco. The link above will bring you to the titles available.
Literary Arts Collection
The Literary Arts Collection is housed in Simpson library, in a glass case near the entrance. It pulls together books spanning literature, poetry, and visual poetry. The books are rare and limited edition printings, old and new.
The Miniatures collection is located on the New Books shelf in Simpson. These smaller titles range from comics to critical theory. Don't let their size fool you–these works have an impact much larger than their stature.