Library workshops for faculty, Fall 2022 library access, and welcome Adrian!
Fall Semester Library Access
Simpson and the Materials Library will be open regular hours for the Fall semester. Meyer Library in Oakland has closed, but items from Oakland may be requested for pick up in SF using our regular "place hold" feature in the library catalog.
Construction of new compact shelving in Simpson will cause several weeks of closure of the library for browsing. Exact dates are TBD, but will be announced as soon as possible. During construction, checkouts, chat and other online services will remain available. The Libraries website will be updated with the most up-to-date information about access.
The CCA/C archives and special collections are moving to a storage location in Oakland, and may be accessed by appointment only. Please contact us via refdesk@cca.edu if you have questions.
Welcome Adrian!

The newest face in the Libraries is probably familiar to many at CCA! Adrian Applin has joined us as an Instructional Designer, working as part of the Instructional Services & Technology Team (InST) which is responsible for Moodle and our numerous other teaching and learning technologies. Adrian has been at CCA for fifteen years in a variety of roles including Administrative Assistant, Program Coordinator, and most recently Senior Manager of Academic Programs for the First Year Program. He recently completed a Master's of Library and Information Science from University of Washington along with an internship at the prestigious Library of Congress. Adrian is also a musician and the current artist-in-residence for Uncaged Library Arts and Information. You can listen to his music at adrianjazzapplin.com and uncagedlibrarianmusic.com. We're very excited to welcome Adrian's knowledge and experience (not to mention wonderful singing voice!) into the CCA Libraries!
Panopto Changes
Unfortunately, due to changes with our Panopto license, we no longer have unlimited storage space. To adapt, we made two major changes to CCA's video platform:
- Zoom meetings are not automatically imported into Panopto anymore
- If a video goes 300 days without being watched, it is archived (but still accessible)
You can still manually upload videos to Panopto, archived videos can be restored easily, and we do not plan to delete anything at this time. You can read more about our Panopto changes on Portal.
Library Workshops for Faculty
The Libraries’ Instructional Services Team will be hosting workshops and course building parties during faculty week. Check the Teaching Lab Calendar to see if/when a particular workshop is being offered.
Faculty Week Workshops
MURAL Community of Practice, Tuesday Aug. 23rd, 11am to 11:45am PT. Come hear from other faculty about how they used MURAL in their classrooms in unique and interesting ways!
Top 3 Novel Moodle Features You Didn't Know About, Tuesday Aug. 23rd, 1pm to 1:45pm PT. Targeting instructors with a basic knowledge of Moodle but also open to those new to Moodle, this session presents a high-level overview and demonstration of the use of three novel features of Moodle, including H5P, Sharing Cart, and Grading Guide.
Insider's Guide to CCA Libraries, Thursday Aug. 25th, 1pm to 1:45pm PT. Join CCA's Instructional Services Librarian Daniel Ransom on a virtual tour of everything CCA Libraries have to offer. Learn secret techniques for using CCA Libraries Search, discover unique and fascinating items from our collections, and discuss ways to engage students in activities that will hone their research skills.
Introduction to Panopto, Thursday Aug. 25th, 1:45pm to 2:30pm PT. Learn about CCA's video platform, which has undergone a couple major changes since last Spring.
Moodle Building Party, Thursday Aug. 25th, 4pm to 6pm PT. An open-ended time for you to bring any questions or problems to the Instructional Support Team. No RSVP required!
Bonus Building Party
Not able to join us at the workshops during Faculty Week? Still have some outstanding questions or troubles building your course? We're offering a second Moodle Building Party for faculty on the Monday before classes start, August 29th, from 10am to noon PT. It's the perfect time to finish constructing your online classroom! No RSVP required!