Welcome back! Course Reserves, Copyright, & Jamboards
Welcome back to CCA for the Spring semester! We've got a lot going on in the Libraries' this semester and we're excited to share it with you! Below are a few announcements. If you want to receive news updates like these regularly, be sure to subscribe to our biweekly newsletter to get their right in your email inbox.
Course Reserves
Do you have required reading material that you’d like available at the circulation desk for your class? Submit your Course Reserves Request today! Books, magazines, films, readers and more can be made accessible to your students on either campus. Click here more information or to contact one of the Circulation Managers with any questions.
Jamboard in the Libraries
The Libraries now have a Google Jamboard in both Simpson and Meyer. These are digital whiteboards which let you draw on them with your fingers or a digital marker, but also have neat features like auto draw (it detects shapes and suggests possible figures to replace them), taking photos with a builtin camera, and inserting images from the web. Go ahead and try it out! Someone has already drawn a great portrait of staff member Pearl Shen.

Free (from Copyright) at last!
You may have already heard that tens of thousands of works are now free of copyright for the first time in 20 years in the United States. You can now share, remix, and reuse any of the materials in the selection of works now in the public domain from authors including Robert Frost, PG Wodehouse, ee cummings, Virginia Woolf, and D.H. Lawrence; filmmakers such as Charlie Chaplin, and many more.
Ever since the 1998 Copyright Term Extension Act (aka the Sonny Bono Act), no published works have entered the public domain in the United States (that is, none due to copyright expiration). But beginning on January 1, 2019, tens of thousands of books, films, visual art, sheet music, plays, and other works published in 1923 are free of copyright. You can find lists of some of these works in Wikipedia; search for “1923 in literature” [or art or film, etc.].