Farewell to Jennine Scarboro
Today we are saying goodbye to Jennine Scarboro, who has worked for the CCA Libraries for an incredible 17 years. She was the Capp Street Project Archive Curator / Senior Library Technician: Serials, Conservation, Archives and as such she stewarded our rich college archives with great enthusiasm. Jennine was great at working with researchers, whether they were external researchers digging deep into some of the treasures CCA holds or faculty exploring the history of their programs. She was elated to spend hours preparing, researching, and compiling materials for visitors to the archives, including students working with the archives as part of courses like the late Kari Marboe's Activate Archive: Capp Street Project interdisciplinary course. Jennine also managed our serials at Meyer Library on the former campus in Oakland, hunting down missing issues, dealing with the numerous subscription renewals, and organizing the efforts each summer to send back issues to a bindery to be made into our bound periodicals for long term storage. Finally, Jennine stepped up to take on managing CCA's exhibitions in her final year here, creating digital exhibitions as well as captivating displays in both Meyer and Simpson libraries.

It's hard to enumerate all the wonderful projects that Jennine completed over the years, but here are several recent ones that come to mind:
- She helped to migrate the entire Capp Street Project Archive from our old website into VAULT
- She created our The Robert Sommer Mudflats Collection
- Relatedly, she helped artist/historian Joey Enos use the images above in a three-part series on the Mudflats for The E'ville Eye (see parts one, two, and three)
- Working with BAMPFA on the Hippie Modernism exhibit
- She cataloged literally hundreds (at last count, 640!) of items in VAULT
- She created and worked on several digital exhibitions, including the 2021 Yozo Hamaguchi Scholarship Winners Exhibition and Inside/Out, an exhibit of works by photograph majors
- Worked with faculty member Eduardo Pineda & his students to create the Martinez Hall Mural Exhibition
- Just this past semester, she curated a Photographers of the African Diaspora exhibit with Ali Padgett
Lastly, Jennine was leading the truly monumental effort to pack up the CCA/C Archives and prepare them for our upcoming campus unification. She will truly be missed!